Adulting is Hard

And I am not talking about doing laundry, holding down a job, paying rent, or saving for retirement. 

I'm talking about the shit you can't Google.

1. Being a supportive wife. As you can tell by my last blog, I have it pretty easy thanks to deep dimples. But communication, compromise & kindness run thin sometimes. In our marriage we try to only let one person loose their shit at a time. 

2. Being a loving yet guiding parent. I prefer to guide by yelling, stomping, crying and at times, spanking. There I said it. But for real, I sometimes think I am fucking my two kids up royally. But we are getting to the age (all of us) where we can control our emotions a little better each day and the good days still out number the bad. It sorta goes back to only letting one person loose their shit at a time. Parents and kids alike. 

3. Being  a good friend. I have no problem being, literally, the lowest maintenance friend a friend can ask for. Admittedly that means you may not get your birthday present on time (Maria it is still sitting on my dresser and it is a miracle it hasn't become mine) but I also will never pass judgement on anyone else's timeliness, ability to deal, lifestyle choices, etc. But being a good friend is hard. Social media tricks us into thinking we are there for each other when what we really need is a girls weekend or just 15 minutes of quiet time to talk on the phone. 

4. Being an adult child. I don't need a lot from my parents. At times my parents have needed a lot from me. My current dilemma is figuring out how to ask my parents to be more involved grandparents while making them think it is their idea. Sometimes I don't want to make dinner or bring snacks to the park. I just want to show up on my mom or dad's doorstep and have him do it. I have never been that good at asking myself over, let alone myself and my two table manner-less kids. 

5. Being a reliable and enthusiastic employee. It comes in waves. I am either 15 minutes early all week or 30 minutes late all week. Never just on time all the time. I'm either full of genius ideas or shutting down everything that comes my way. Thank God I have the most understanding employer on planet earth. Crossing my fingers that with experience I will figure out what my occupational calling is. 

Much of my pondering has to do with how to improve upon my many adult roles. And by pondering I mean drinking wine and wondering how the Real Housewives keep it all together. 

In all seriousness - I am going to start carving out more me time (minus wine and reality TV). I think that is as good a start as any (Rx) to improving my adulting skills.  


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