Settling In

I love fall and football. This has not always been the case. I used to love spring and baseball. Fuck spring- thanks to global warming summer is doing fine without the seasonal preamble. Fuck baseball too. Well, unless I am at Safeco with the Peterson's.

It is all about settling in now a days. Fall does that to a person. Fall makes it so much easier to just relax. It is colder which means all the comfy sweaters and sweatpants come out of the closet. It also means flannel sheets and extra blankets. It is darker, which increases the odds of cuddling during a scary movie and makes sleeping in inevitable unless the alarm is set. And it is football season, which guarantees hours of bonding with the boy every Sunday. It also means I don't have to shower or answer calls on Sunday.

It is all about settling in now a days. Ahhh.


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