Thaddeus Turns One- Part Two

The big day finally arrived! Thaddeus' birthday/costume party. People were told to dress up like their favorite childhood characters. I don't remember watching TV as a kid- well, Fraggle Rock and Garfield- but I wasn't about to dress up like Red or a fat cat. So, in the end I went with the obvious- Dora the Explorer. My hair is similar to hers and Rebekah found orange shorts a WalMart. They made my ass look discusting, but much like the visit to H2Oasis, I was ready to take one for the team.

I was in charge of the cake and onion dip. I love onion dip. I hope clouds in heaven are really onion dip and ruffles come in endless supply. The cake had to be gluten free- little Thaddeus doesn't care for wheat much. I baked the cake the night before- went to my mom's house, a.k.a party central, the morning of the bash to ice the cake. My mom said I did a great job. I thought is was mediocre at best, but it was my first time. I get very picky about these sorts of things.

It was time to move onto cutting veggies, cleaning lettuce for burgers, etc. Mom and I finished in record time. All of a sudden it was beer:30.

I escaped to get showered and dressed and then waited for the fun to begin. People started showing up and some even in costume. My brother arrived pissed off that he couldn't be Inspector Gadget. I would have been pissed off too. Instead he was Mr. Rogers. Rebekah showed up dressed to the 9s as Dorthy. Colin was Bob the Builder. Thaddeus, was the cutest . . . makes me think only children should dress up. He was a lollipop kid.

The day went on, and on, and on. Rebekah and Anthony B.S.ed with friends and showed off Thaddeus. I, on the other hand, drank beer and changed Thaddeus' diapers all night. I changed them so often that night that he even said diaper. Ya, first official word.

By the end of the night I was ready to go home and get my sleep on. The best parts of the night-

1. Having quiet diaper changing moments with Thaddeus (only time I really got to see him)
2. Making Colin dress up like himself. He is Bob the Builder. Well, Colin the Electrcian, remarkable resemblence.
3. Having a great time with my mom! Her and I did not bitch at each other even once.
4. Grandma forcing us to take a family portrait.

I look forward to more birthday parties. Colin has his 30th this year. Doubt we will be dressing up in costume. More than likely we will be stuffing ourselves with amazing food and drinks and going home early to pass out. Now that is my kind of birthday party!


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