Hoot! Baby Shower

HOOT! I just had a baby shower! Do you ever have moments in your life where I think, "Did I really just experience that?" Well, that has been my entire pregnancy and having a baby shower thrown in my honor was no exception!

Getting ready!

The party planners!

While may of my nearest and dearest were unable to attend, those that did made me feel more than special and totally showered Baby T with love, literature and practically perfect necessities! 

Baby gifts wrapped with love!

My mom and step mom were perfect hosts! The nursery theme is owls as was the shower. All the owl accessories were just perfect!

Custom cookies, homemade carrot cake cupcakes and custom baby bingo cards!

Baby received just the right amount of owl goodies for the room as well including a beautiful custom quilt from Auntie Maria and an adorable plaque from Crazy Aunt Cherie. Other adorable owl goodies include an adorable owl beanie from Grandma Barrie and three custom owl onesies from Grandma Stephie. 

Owl fabric on the left was the inspiration for the nursery. Maria made the quilt in the center. Look at that hate! Perfect for winter!

Great Grandma Charity, aka the matriarch and keeper of all nostalgic heirlooms gave us her silver baby spoon and fork that were given to her mom at her shower. The spoon and fork are beyond adorable. 

Grandma Charity. About to be Great Grandma for the second time!

Thanks to a power outage shortly after the shower and a giddily buzzed hubby all tags were cut, laundry sorted and baby equipment assembled! 

It is amazing what a toy bin and bouncy seat can do for a nursery. It is not longer an aqua room with a mattress-less crib and dresser. Well, still matress-less obviously, but easy to overlook at this stage. It is my baby's room. And thanks to my loving friends, family and husband it is perfect. 

Still need to order yellow chevron drapes and wall decals. And crib mattress is back ordered in case you were concerned. 

Cousin Thaddeus thinks so too. He approved it last night. 


Tilly said…
very cute! Looks like you had a great time!
Sarah said…
worship. obvs. xoxoxo

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