Why Dear Husband, Why?

Don't get me wrong. I love my husband. Recently at a party a gal came up to me after Colin left with the kids (so I could get my party on) to tell me how good looking he is. Duh. 

But as we know looks only get you so far in life. His dimples keep him out of a lot of trouble with me, and let me tell you - I could snap at any minute. And here is why.

Colin's current job is switching gears and has been slow the last couple weeks aka he is home a lot. Now, I like to think that Colin is a mind reader but he is not. But it would be nice to not have to ask these questions.
(And by asking I mean stomping around all passive aggressive)
1. Why am I making the kids lunches every morning?
2. Why are the kids not ready for daycare when I am ready to leave?
3. Why am I putting breakfast dishes in the dishwasher after work?
4. Why are there no clean towels?
5. Why is the bed not made?
6. Why are you playing disc golf at kiddos bedtime and not during the day?
7. Why am I making coffee?
8. Why am I not getting the first shower?
9. Why am I acting like a 4 year old asking "why" about EVERYTHING SEEMINGLY SO OBVIOUS?

I sense I am not alone.

Men. At least he greets me at the door with a glass of wine.
(and dimples)


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