Thaddeus Turns One- Part One

My beautiful nephew, Thaddeus, turned one year old yesterday. Amazing that he has been in my life for so long. He truly makes me happy- actually, he makes everyone happy!

His actual birthday was pretty mellow. His mom and I took him to H2Oasis- the only "indoor" water part in Anchorage- um, no shit- it is Alaska, of course it is indoors.

Anyway- Rebekah and I were smart and had our suites on so that we would spend as little time in the dressing rooms as possible. We got Thaddeus all ready and we were off!

Now, public pools are not my thing. My skin gets dry, I freak out when ever I feel something "loose" on the bottom of the pool, I look at all the kids playing and wonder how many times they have peed in the pool. Basically, not a fan, but Rebekah really wanted to take Thaddeus, so I was a good sport.

We first try out the kiddy area- super shallow, but not a whole lot of action. Thaddeus goes down the slide a couple times- time for something new. So, we decide to squeeze him into the 30lb-50lb life jacket. Thaddeus looked like a robot- stiff and uncomfortable. He couldn't keep himself from falling forward getting a face full of water. Again, time for something new.

This time we go for the lazy river. Great for babies and baby sitters alike. Thaddeus was a little unsure of the large intertubes, but would cling like a little monkey and float the river. We kept seeing this other little baby is a mini innertube and kicked our selves in the asses for not buying one.

Well, after about a half hour of floating the river we notice the little mini innertube on the edge of the pool! Awesome! It took some wrestling around, but Rebekah managed to get Thaddeus into the mini tube- and away we went! The three of us were thoroughly entertained for another two hours! Thaddeus had a blast! Not afraid of the water at all and loved to kick! I think he is the next Michael Phelps.

I was really happy to see Thaddeus so comfortable in the water! His grandpa is going to be very proud! I come from a long line of skilled swimmers- not for time or meddles, but for safety. We all learned to swim at the family cabin! Thaddeus may have to settle for lessons at the public pool, but at least he will know what to do once he finally gets out to the lake!

And hell, maybe I will even go back to the pool- for special occasions!

Thaddeus' actual party is Saturday! I have to dress up . . . the things we do for the ones we love!


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