Why Have I Denied You For So Long?

Finally, I get out of town! WTF? Busted ass moving all week, was starting to turn into mega bitch. Finally showered, tossed on my J. Crew t-shirt dress and headed out of town. Girdwood! My G-ma got Nicole and I a room at the Prince, made reservations at 7 Glaciers. Nicole and I were finally going to do what we had been putting off for 6 weeks- throw down time!

First things first- must hit up Forest Fair- well, we didn't really have time to look at all the awesome craft booths- but what we did have time to do was chug beer at the beer garden. Hot, on the river, bluegrass, beer. Not sure you can top that. Beer Garden closes- off to hotel. Take the tram to 7 Glaciers. Amazing out- and cute boys paragliding. Hot. Drink wine, lots of wine. Eat calamari and halibut. Head down tram. Time for jeans and more beer.

Guy at front desk says we have to walk to the bars. Okay, bears and 3 miles away. I am not taking no for an answer. Talk to hotel guys outside- they kindly drive Nicole and me to Silver Tip. Is that Reggae I hear? Well, yes it is. Get beer, head outside- must fine ciggi to smoke. Instead find Benjina! Is that possible? He stares at me with puppy dog eyes and then bitches out and leaves. What a bitch- is so many senses of the word!

Now it is time to dance, dance, dance. Band takes break- I take smoke break with band. Yes, the other kind of smoke break, the kind Reggae bands take. Need water. Nicole needs beer. Both need to dance.

By 1:30am my legs hurt from dancing so much! We take break. Break turns into hour long conversation about how great it is to be best friends. We decide to go back to hotel. Take hour long tour of hotel looking for vending machines! Find them, eat chips, pass out.

Get up, feeling pretty darn good. Put t-shirt dress back on. Head to breakfast. Head to fair. nice mile want to fair, suns out, feel great. Shop. Nicole gets cool jewelry and paintings. I get painting and cool belt buckle. Head home.

The rest is pretty standard 4 of July weekend stuff. Emptied more boxes, cleaned more, drank more, BBq'd. Hung out with Colin's fam, Nicole, Brother, and Thad. Great week and a tan to prove it.

I will never not go to Forest Fair again. Happy people, good music, great artists, face painting, patchouli. LOVE IT ALL!!! Have to get Nicole to take annual 4th of July trip to Anchorage!Pictures coming later!


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