To Blog or Not to Blog

What is with this blogging anyway?
I know of 3 people who blog consistently. One will remain anonymous, one is a master blogger, my great friend's husband, Arctic Ninja (, and one is my cousin, the last cousin I would ever think would take time out of her hectic social life to blog. I will spare you her link.
Anyway, people blog for different reasons and I am trying to figure out what my purpose is. Do I want this to be an online diary? A collection of my favorite quotes and postings of other blogs- a blog of blogs? Do I want to stake my claim on celebrity blogging, fashion blogging, political blogging? Na, not really.
I think I want to blog about the simple things. Funnel cake, local festivals and fairs, americanos, my baby nephew's laugh, productions my brother and friends are in, napping, rain, lip gloss, Moose Tooth Raspberry Wheat beer, face painting, cotton sheets, netflix, Mac computers, long showers, visiting friends, the hell that is finding a new apartment and the joy of picking out new towels. All the things that make-up (& break-up) the pieces of my life.
So, there you have it. To blog about the simple things I value.